Monday, May 30, 2011

Succulent Wall Hanger

I should have taken a picture of this last year before I planted it. It's a wall planter. It's approximately 16 inches square and about 2 inches deep, and has shallow compartments which are tilted upward
slightly to keep the soil in place. These are meant to hang on an outside wall, fence, or any vertical surface you want to decorate. You can butt them up against each other and hang as many as you like together. I'd love a good portion of a fence covered with them, but just don't have the sunny area.
I just finished 'refreshing' this one with some new plants. Many of these will probably become too
large for their space here, but I like a full look to begin with and will thin the plants as needed.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Variegation in Hosta

Some hosta are all green, some all bluish and some are variegated. Variegated ones are my favorites.
The variations of colors is awesome and endless. On an overcast day, the colors seem to 'pop'
even more. These varieties here are more along the green/gold variations and as more of
my hosta unfurl, I will show more of the white and green variegation.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Zonal Geraniums

Zonal Geraniums are annuals. Some of my favorites stand out with banded or variegated foliage. I love variegated or interesting foliage. It makes for interesting and colorful plants, even when they are not in bloom. Geraniums can take full sun to just a bit of shade. They also make great hanging baskets. You can over winter them in the house or greenhouse, and propagate them by taking and rooting cuttings.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pulmonaria aka Lungwort

There are many varieties of Pulmonaria. It's an early spring bloomer, sending up flower stems first and blooming first. Then after blooming will send up a rosette of
leaves, similiar to a hosta form. Some varieties are blue, some red, some pink and some, like 'Mrs. Moon' here, have both pink and blue flowers at the same time.
I have a dozen or so different varieties of Pulmonaria, some have more silver spots in their leaves than others and some are almost all silver colored. P. Sissinghurst White has all white blooms and p. Bowles Red has coral/red blooms but no variegation.
It's a very hardy perennial returning year after year. We have had it growing in our yard almost 30 years. Pulmonaria likes shade or morning sun with afternoon shade. Moist soil, especially if in sun.